Friday, March 16, 2012

Earrings and Blossoms...

Spring is on it's way here in Southern Colorado...the Crocuses have been blooming for a while and the buds on the Rose Tree of China are opening today, I am sitting outside and enjoying the sound of the mourning doves and little sparrows as I write this...

I've been enjoying the warmth and the sunshine after all of the cold weather over the past few months.  I have been tatting a little, though not nearly so much as I would like to have been over the last month.  These are some earrings that I tatted a couple of weeks ago, but just managed to photograph to share with all of you today...


This first set is simply a larger clover over a smaller clover, I think the design works and is quite pretty...but the second design is the one I like the most...

This set uses elements from the large cross (Mary Konior) / stumpy bookmark (Kersti Anear) tatting patterns again...just the clover from the end and the large ring, with extra stitches added for balance as needed.  I really like this set and will more than likely tat more like these. 

Here are the two sets of earrings together...very pretty, both of them.  I will count them as #s 1 & 2 in my second 25 motif challenge.  These are the first bits of tatted jewelry I have attempted, they are very light to wear and fun to create.  In seeing all of the beautiful jewelry out there that people create with tatting, the possibilities seem endless.

The thread I used is something a little different...

I found this in a box of old sewing things that I picked up at one of the local thrift stores just because I wanted the sewing box they came in, but there were some nice suprises inside.  This was one of looked interesting to tat with.  I have heard of the American Thread Company, but had never seen this Geneva Cotton Glace Finish thread.  It's quite nice.  It is a bit stiff to work with at first, the glace finish gives it a very different texture and it is slightly flat.  After one gets used to it, it is quite nice to work with and has a lovely sheen to it.  I thought it quite nice for tatted jewelry.

I suppose that I should now post this and then get on with household things again and stop playing on the computer...then perhaps I will have time to play with my tatting a little later and have something more to share in the morning...