Sunday, October 6, 2013

Colorado Sunrise...

Just because I found it inspiring to see a sunrise this lovely, I thought I would share with all of you...

The sunrise on the particular morning these were taken started out with deep corals, pinks, and violet.  It faded as the sun rose to glowing golds and creams set against lavender skies...

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Seeing Green...

Once again, I wandered a few antique or junk stores simply for the enjoyment of the hunt and the rather enjoyable perusal of things old and well loved...

Brought home a few vintage children's books and a couple of lovely silver leaf shaped trays.

I found very little in the tatting realm this time.  These two lovely green hankies were certainly beautiful, though I didn't bring either of them home...they just did not capture my fancy at the time, though looking at them now I am somewhat regretting that...and will likely be green with envy should I not find them again if I should I return for the pair.

Never-the-less...I took pictures and thought I would share them with all of you today...

Friday, October 4, 2013

End of the Roses...

Tonight may be the end of this years roses as a relatively hard freeze is predicted for tonight, and so I wanted to document the beauty of the last few bouquets here...

Purple Iceberg with Sheer Bliss and some sage on the left,
my Rosie Posie's favorite rose, Angel Face, on the right.

Sunset Celebration on the left, Marmalade Skies on the right...
both with white cosmos and sage.
Oklahoma, with marigolds.

It is always so hard to see them go, they are usually at their finest when the freeze hits...with so many buds ready to bloom that it is truly a sad thing to see them go each fall.

I enjoy the small pleasure the flowers bring...their scent and color as I drink a cup of tea, the enjoyment of arranging a vase, the delight of wandering the garden and seeing a new beauty growing, watching a single bud unfold in the silver vase on the bathroom counter...

It is said that all good things must end, but I know that, in the Spring, my roses will bloom again.