Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Grandma's Tatting Shuttles...

Well...I put it off as long as I could, but I ran out of shuttles (ie., all 8 of the clover shuttles that I have purchased were full of thread) and I needed a shuttle...so...

This is a little pink clover tatting shuttle

My incredible Sister sent me Grandma's shuttles a few weeks ago...here is the box:

Grandma's Box of Shuttles...

So what's the problem?  Lots of shuttles are a terrific thing right...well, I was and am thrilled...but I opened this box when it came...and it still smelled like Grandma (She's been gone  a little over 11 years)!  It was a shock in a good way, but it made me cry, and cry, and cry...so I put the box away for a while.  (It's my blog and I can say all of that if I want to even if some readers might find it strange.) 

I was actually in need of a shuttle yesterday and was going to share this treasure then, but I couldn't open the box.  Today, I could...and it's contents and Grandma's smell just made me smile.

There are many, many interesting things in here...lot's of Boye shuttles...those are the red ones.  I remember Grandma tatting with these most of the time...but there are others:

A variety of plastic shuttles...

Tatsy shuttle, this one is fairly large!

The reverse side of the Tatsy shuttle

A wood shuttle...

Several metal shuttles with bobbins...I'll have to try this kind...

Several of these, traced on and cut from plastic lids...
could be useful for tatting with large threads...

...and one more, this one might be made of bone
or a different kind of wood or something...
So there you have it, the incredible gift of my Grandmother's shuttles that was going to be yesterday's post...and is a treasure always!!!


  1. May tatting with your grandmother's shuttles inspire and encourage you! :)

  2. I have a box just like that! And I keep tatting in it but it's my older tatting and some metal tatting shuttles. How nice to have something from your grandma. It does take a bit to bridge from old memories inciting missing to appreciation for this wonderful person in your life. Glad you got it though.


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