Saturday, May 28, 2011

A Hankie with Pink Rosebuds Came in the Mail...

The mail came today, and brought a lovely little envelope from Diane so you are getting a second post from me today...simply because I had to share and could not wait...

She wrote that  her hope is that I will have fun with this hankie...and I will!  I am so excited about this!!!  The rose buds are like a living rose...

Perfume Delight
Hybrid Tea

It is exquisite...I know Diane let us each choose one, and I loved this hankie in the picture on her blog...but, somehow, I am so much more delighted with this hankie than I had expected to be. 

The embroidery is incredibly delicate, the pinks and greens so soft and perfect...and the cotton so fine that it is nearly sheer, as you can see above.

Just incredibly exquisite...Thank you Diane! 

I must admit to having already gone through my thread stash.  I came up with a silver green that is a perfect match and a white of the same size.  Both are size 30 Clark's vintage threads.  I don't have a pink that looks at all right, the pinks in these rose buds have a coral tint to them that nothing I have quite matches.  However, I absolutely love that silver green...that will be fun to finally use if I do!  Depending on the border, I could go with just the green, the green and the white, or the white alone...

It is going to be so much fun to create a border for this incredibly beautiful hankie...and now I must go peruse some edging patterns for a while, deliberate colors a bit more, and add a few repeats to another hankie.


  1. What a fun project! I enjoyed your trip to the antique store too. I'm trying to only get things I don't have and really really want these days. Those linens have a way of calling my name for no reason at all except to touch them!

  2. I'm glad that the hanky arrived so quickly! That silver green is beautiful. I look forward to seeing what you do with it!


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