Friday, July 22, 2011

Flannel Receiving Blanket with Crochet Edging...

This is something I enjoy's a simple single layer of flannel, hemmed with a quarter inch hem, with a crochet edging added.  I use about a yard of fabric.  The dimensions aren't that important, I like a nice big receiving blanket...or light blanket for summer.  This one is for my little Rosie's been hot here and at 2 she has outgrown most of the receiving blankets we have.  This one is nicely sized for swaddling a little one or covering a toddler.  The butterfly and breast cancer awareness fabric is something my Mom gave me a yard of a couple of years ago...with the intent of a nice little blanket for the took a while to get to it though!  It was, however, worth the wait...

It turned out beautifully...

I used a size 10 variagated pink vintage J & P Coats thread, actually it took most of 2 partial (but fairly full) balls of this thread...

...making this a great way to use up all of the size 10 thread I have accumulated...

The scalloped edging is something I designed myself.

I felt it worked well with this fabric.

It's 3 rounds, the 1st is simply a single crochet foundation worked right on the blanket.

The 2nd row is 2 double crochet worked in each single crochet of the previous round.

The 3rd row is 10 triple crochet at the corner, skip one, slip stitch in the next, skip one, 5 double crochet in the next, skip one, 5 triple crochet in the next, repeat until corner. 

Sometimes you might have an odd number of stitches and the pattern doesn't quite meet up with the corner, so you can work a reduce one in when necessary by taking the first half of a slip stitch on the hook then slip stitch in the next and pull it through both loops.

This is crocheted fairly loosly to allow for some shrinkage of the thread in the wash...these will go in the washer and dryer and my experience has been that a border that is crocheted too tightly will shrink up too much and cause the blanket not too lay flat at the edges after a few washings.

At any's fun to do, and I thought I would share how I go about it.  My daughter loves this...she likes the lace I make for her and that makes me smile!


  1. Very very nice, and yes, it turned out beautifully :) what pretty fabric too and the thread goes perfectly with it!

  2. Very nicely done! That's my favorite baby gift to give. I haven't made one in a while, but I'm prepared!

  3. I love blankets like this - yours is beautiful. I've only ever made one, and I think my crochet had very inconsistent tension. Yours is so nice and even! Do you mark out your foundation stitch holes? I tried to use a wing needle on my sewing machine to make evenly spaced holes, but that didn't work as well as I'd hoped.

    In any case - what a lovely blanket for a baby . . . umm . . . 2-year old :)

  4. What a lovely idea and the fabric is great- baby with love it!

  5. Great combination! And thank you for sharing your tips. I make flannel baby blankets, but hadn't thought to add a lovely edging. My girls are grown, but they still treasure their blankets.

  6. Love your blanket! I'm trying to crochet an edging on a flannel baby blanket but having trouble with one corner. The flannel is cut diagonally across the one corner and you're supposed to go once around the entire blanket and then go back and forth from side to side until you have filled in where the corner was cut out and thencomplete the edging around the entire blanket. Have you seen this type of blanket? Can you direct me as to how to complete it?

    1. I believe one way would be to crochet across the diagonal, reverse work, work a reduce 1 in leu of the 1st 2 stitches crochet back and work a reduce 1 in leu of the last 2 stitches, turn and proceed with the next row of the corner in the same manner, repeating until the corner is filled in and the proceed with the edging around the entire blanket.


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