Wednesday, January 4, 2012

"Arches" Doily...Round Four and done

Here is the "Arches"doily by Marilee Rockley that I started yesterday.  I completed the 2nd round early this morning...

Zipped through the third round before lunch...and launched into the fourth round...

...notice anything there?

I didn't...not until I had that fourth round where to join the final round...what???  I did 3ds not 3-3ds...kept thinking it looked wrong somehow but I sure didn't clue in to what was wrong, I guess we'll blame the head cold!

Oh well...I'm not going to cut it's pretty as it is, and remember I said I wasn't real excited about the thread...I think this was my brain's way of telling me it was done messing with that soft thread!

Diane the Lace Lovin' Librarian said "...if you don't like the thread, why not finish the round and move on to a thread you really like? I've given up finishing pieces that don't work for me... much less stress!" in the comments on my last post...I guess that really does work for me!

 I'll just have to use that thread up in a crochet project, it would be fine for that.  I am still going to count this as motif #22 in my 25 motif challenge though.

You may have noticed that I am posting a lot more. I am going to continue to try to post more this year...some of it may not be perfect, as with my "Arches" doily attempt, but I am going to post it anyway. Some of the posts may be brief and done via my phone when I am limited time wise or not within easy access of my computer. But, I will try to post...

I would like this blog to be a record of my creative work, and it can't be that if I don't post all of what I do. I am also not good at posting tatting on Tuesday and sewing on Wednesday and gardening on Friday...because that isn't how I work. I tend to do what ever I am in the mood to do, or I end up doing nothing at all if the something I'm "supposed" to do isn't what I want to do. So I hope that you all will enjoy what I share and the spontaneity or randomness or whatever you would like to call it of my posts...


  1. spontaneity and randomness are encouraged.
    no reason to follow a specific crafting rule unless it works for you.
    I like your doily, it looks very nice.
    also, it is an easy way to see how much you progress by posting what you do, even if it isn't perfect. and sometimes you can get some good tips by showing what you are having difficulties with.

  2. I think your doily looks great! :)

  3. You really did a fine job on Marilee's doily! I've always wanted to make this! You're rolling right along on your 25 motifs!

    I can't imagine how anyone does their posts from a phone. I have enough trouble posting usng my computer!

  4. This is really pretty! I might have to tat this - I have always noticed the pattern but never done it. You have inspired me.
    Fox : )

  5. It is beautiful just as it is. I agree with you and Diane about ditching threads that you don't enjoy using. It is nice you have another craft for this one.


Thank you for your comments...they are read and treasured!