Sunday, January 1, 2012

Simply Lovely Snowflakes...

Here are two more snowflakes that I have tatted recently.  They are both designed by Sally Magill and I found them on the Ring of Tatters website.  These are listed as Quick Snowflake Patterns there. There are two variations...they are both fairly simple, but also simply lovely...

This first snowflake is the Kim Picot Snowflake.  I had never seen nor tried this technique before, but I rather like the effect.  It is also called a Triple Picot.  Slightly fiddly if you don't have a Picot gauge (which I don't) or any kind of handy object to measure's a bit of a trick to figure out the length each time.  I think it would be wise of me to find some object to use as a gauge the next time I tat this one.

This snowflake Sally Magill calls the MHC Snowflake.  I really like this one, a quick little tat, have made 3 of these thus far.  I was tatting on the plane while traveling with both of my daughters this past week, so this was a fun little snowflake that didn't take much concentration and really had no chance of one's losing one's place in the pattern.

Both flakes are tatted is size 20 white LizBeth thread.  These are both unblocked, not pressed, straight off the shuttles...and I don't really think they need anything done to them...they are lovely as they are.  I will count these as numbers 18 and 19 in my 25 motif challenge.


  1. Your snowflakes are very pretty! Thanks for the link. I think I'll put them on my "to do" list! Happy New Year!

  2. Well done! Nice snowflakes!

    When I need a picot gauge I simply cut some old plastic card or some card board just for this occasion.

  3. Great snowflakes!! :)
    You have done well for someone not using a picot guage!! They look right to me. :)


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