Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Those who touch our lives...

Tat-Land lost a special lady last evening...the lovely and talented Tatting Goddess, Gina Brummet, of Threads of a Tatting Goddess.  Though my contact with her was limited to a few comments on her blog and 8 treasured comments of hers on mine, I will miss her.  She touched my life for just a little while, but it was a kind and encouraging touch.  Her comments always meant a kind or encouraging word, I was delighted each time I saw her name. 

Gina also did a series of posts (Her last 25 motif challenge) on D.M.C. Tatting by Therese de Dillmont, which my Grandmother considered one of the best tatting resources she had seen (Grandma would have loved some of the books I now have in my possesion).  We had a photocopied version of this book that my mother attempted to try a few things from (tatting books being hard to find pre internet and relatively rare finds in rural Montana) around the house for years, it sat always on the edge of the piano...very treasured.  This made Gina's series very exciting and inspiring to me, and I followed her posts with great anticipation and pleasure over this (nearly complete) first year of my tatting. 

My lovely elder daughter also shares her name, I don't know that I ever mentioned that to Gina, but my Gina loved that the "Tatting Goddess" was also named Gina.

Some touch our lives for longer than others, but each person who touches our lives does so for a reason.  I am very greatful for the small bit that Gina played in my life, though she may not have known what an inspiration she was to this relatively new tatter.  I respected her greatly, treasured her input, and am saddened by her loss.  May she find peace in the here after, and all the time to tat and create beautiful works of lace that her heart might desire...

1 comment:

  1. Nice post Julie. Gina was always kind and encouraging in her comments on my posts, and I learned so much from her over time I'd been following her blog. She will be missed by many in the Tatting world.


Thank you for your comments...they are read and treasured!