Friday, May 25, 2012

Flowers for Friday...

Or perhaps, Friday for I think I would like to share a few of my photographs of flowers on Fridays!  God's blooms are so much more beautiful than anything I create, and I simply love flowers...I love creating their likeness in threads and drawings, growing them, and photographing them.  I believe sharing my photos of them here on a more regular basis is something I would like to do, so here you are...

Today, my family and I spent some time at our local zoo.  I love the animals, but the zoo's gardens are my favorite part of a trip to the zoo.  I am always more excited to see the next thing blooming than what the animals are doing!  Here are some of my favorite shots from today...

Wild Rose

Mock Orange

Perennial Alyssum

Mamma Duck and Ducklings...They were so sweet!

Yellow Iris


Yellow Columbines

Butterfly Bush

Butterfly Bush, close up!
American Kestrel, He is a Gorgeous Creature!!!


"Cheyenne" Mock Orange

We had Mock Orange in our arrangements at our wedding...the whole church smelled wonderfully of their scent, so they will always be a favorite of mine!  I wish I could share the smell of the honeysuckle too...just glorious!  And truely, one should always take time to smell the roses!

The flowers are so spectacular this spring, I am though roughly enjoying them!  I hope they inspire you to create something beautiful, as they do me. 

I'll photograph that lovely hankie with tatting that I bought and brought home I was busy enjoying the flowers, the animals, and my daughters' & husband's company.  Until tomorrow then...may you find time to enjoy the flowers you see and pause to take in their scent!

1 comment:

  1. mmmmm Mock Orange I remember that smell, we had a bush while I was growing up. got married in october, so no Mock Orange for me. Wish I had some now.


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