Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Pretty Bed for the Babies...

Last Saturday, we struck proverbial gold while out yard sale-ing, at least in the mind of one little girl.  A little bit of paint, some sewing, and a bit of fussing...and I do believe I now agree with her...

This is now the "best ever" dolly bed in my Rosie Posie's own little words...

But it didn't start out that way.  I was a bit excited to get started when we got home with I didn't think to get a before picture until I was ready to give the bottom side it's first coat of paint...

The whole thing was sort of an oakey brown color.  Not horrible, just not quite what I wanted to see...and it was a bit worse for the wear besides.

...and the bedding, well, that left a lot to be desired.

So on Monday, new pillows were made from batting and some fiberfill, and a couple of layers of batting were added to the "mattress" along with bright and pretty new gingham pillowcases and an envelope style "sheet" for the mattress'...and the bedding was much improved. 

This fabric was some that I had in my stash. It seemed perfect for this. I really do love how these came out.  Rosie Posie liked it too...

But, then she tapped her cheek with her finger and said "what missing, what missing, hmmm...."

Babies must have blankies...

These are, once again, my favorite giant granny square afghan pattern.  Fifteen rows and an edging is enough to cover a baby doll...but these still took most of my crafting time Tuesday and Wednesday to finish up.  They are each a little different, I like them both.  Thought about making matching ones, or contrasting like the sheets and pillows...but I got a little tired of that and had to here they are...

There we go...all tucked in...

A kiss goodnight...

...and a hug.

The baby dolls are happy...and my baby is the happiest of all!

She's been playing with the babies and their new bed almost constantly...

Definitely a project worth the time spent.  I believe I am at least temporarily done, until the little Rosie Posie says "what missing, what missing..." and needs something else created for these babies.  Like a quilt, or a top sheet, or who knows Rosie Posie is quite observant and likes her play things to be just like the real thing.  She is fun...

But for now...I think it's big sister's turn to have something made for her.  This is a pretty rose colored summer shrug in progress earlier this afternoon, finished it up this evening...perhaps my beloved older daughter will model it tomorrow.  Until then...


  1. Little girls do love their dolls! What a wonderful way to begin the summer!

    1. It certainly has added to the fun of our summer so far! Thank you Diane :-)

  2. what a lucky little girl. She looks like a wonderful "mother" and her mother is wonderful too. your crocheting looks really good.

  3. Wonderful to have such an appreciative recipient of your work!

    1. Yes it is! Thank you for taking the time to comment!


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