Sunday, June 10, 2012

New Mexico Wild Flowers...

We spent the weekend at my husband's family's ranch in North Eastern New Mexico...we wanted to get down there and spend what time we could while Spring was still touching the land. 

I thought I would share a few photos of the wildflowers that were blooming, they were incredibly jewels hidden among the grasses.  I will let the flowers speak, my words being inadequate...

"What greater delight is there than to behold the earth apparelled with plants as with a robe of embroidered works, set with Orient pearls and garnished with the great diversitie of rare and costly jewels. But these delights are in the outward senses. The principle delight is in the mind, singularly enriched with the knowledge of these visible things, setting forth to us the invisible wisdom and admirable workmanship of almighty God."
- John Gerard, 1633, The Herbal 

May your life be blessed with and inspired by the sight of beauty in your surroundings as these blessed and inspired me this weekend!  Until tomorrow then...


  1. New Mexico wildflowers are the best! Thanks! I love your part of the universe...
    Fox : )

  2. The flowers are wonderful. Look at that paper thin petals of yellow in the last photo. Thank you!


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