Saturday, August 25, 2012

2011 Colorado State Fair Tatting...

Yes, this is the tatting entered in the Colorado State Fair last year.  It seemed like too little to share at the time...but I am very excited to say that there is an increase in entries this year, and to appreciate that I think you need to see what there was last year.

This was a lovely entry...

And this was the second tatting entry...

I do not know if the entry below was strictly tatting (there is a combination class), it was very hard to see it well against the background, but it appeared to use some tatting and clunies and I include it as they are a technique used in tatting...

...and that was the extent of the 2011 tatting entries for the Colorado State Fair.  I will share the 2012 entries later entry of my own as I was out of state when the entries were due to be turned in, but I am delighted to say that there are more entries this year.

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