Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sunday Morning...

It's Sunday morning and that seems like the perfect time to share this with all of you.  My Grandma Stella was very active in her church, the United Methodist Church in Sunburst, MT.  She made and tatted many things for the altar and other areas of the church.  I know that she made stoles for her Pastor and sets to decorate the front of the church for different liturgical seasons.  I ran across a photo of one altar scarf she did and thought I would share that...this is a photo of a photo, so the detail is not there, but it is worth sharing regardless.

When they built a new church recently, my Father chose to sponsor two of the new windows in the church in memory of my Great Grandmother May and my Grandmother Stella...they are beautiful and a lasting tribute to two amazing women who loved this church and it's congregation...

This is also where the memorial service for my Grandfather was held...this is a photo of the gathered family between and in front of the two windows...I am close to the middle between my two daughters...

It was really special to be in a place that my Grandmother contributed to and was so honored made my Grandfather's memorial service that much more special.

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