Friday, August 24, 2012

Tatted Piano Scarfs...

There are two of these beautiful scarfs that Grandma Stella tatted for the top of her piano...Such amazing pieces...

They rest on either end of the piano's top.

Gorgeous detail, I love the clover shapes in the middle of each main motif.

Each motif must have taken quite some time to prepare and then to tat around and join to it's neighboring motifs, and then there are two rounds done around the finished piece...42 such motifs between the two piano scarfs...

Here, you can see it as it normally appears...underneath Grandma's birds and family photos and things.  The photo is of myself, and my big girl when she was a bitty thing.  It was taken after Grandma passed away, Grandpa probably placed it there later, she would not have seen it...but she did get to hold my baby girl, and loved her...the 1st Great-Grandchild born to our family.  The farm house is filled with her creations and her memories and her life...

1 comment:

  1. You're continuing to amaze me with these treasures! What an unusual piece! she was definitely an expert tatter, and didn't merely 'dabble' in it. So many poignant memories!


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