Saturday, September 22, 2012

A Lovely Winter Flake...

This, too, is one of my Grandmother's beautiful works...

I would like to recreate this one as I both really like it on it's own merits and love it because it is a design my Grandmother tatted. 

One lovely winter flake, once part of a flurry of flakes that graced her home each Christmas season... She had a silver tinsel tree that she used to cover with white tatted snowflakes, pretty tatted bells, and satin balls covered in was simply gorgeous and I wish I had a picture to show you, but I have yet to find one. 
I do not know what happened to all of Grandma's tatted ornaments, Dad thinks Grandpa gave them away to various friends. I hope they treasure them...I'm sure they must as each is a beautiful work of art. 


  1. That is a lovely snowflake. If you ever find the pattern, or write it up yourself, I would love to know about it. Thanks

  2. So very pretty!
    I have been enjoying the posts about your Grandmother's tatting. How nice to have so many of her pieces to treasure.

  3. Pretty! I hope if you write up the pattern that you will share it. We could have a tat-along. Wouldn't your Grandma love that?


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