Friday, September 28, 2012

Apples, Apples, and more Apples!

We went apple picking at the relatively nearby Lusk Orchard in Fowler, Colorado and brought home 75+ pounds of absolutely amazing apple's...
Beautiful, Gorgeous, Scrumptious Apples...Macintosh, Jonathan, and the old variety of Red Delicious...
and so I have been cutting them up to freeze for later, loading the dehydrator, and making this....

...and this,
The jelly is made from the cores and peels...I love making something wonderful and delicious from something that I would have thrown away previously.  I found the recipe here.  It is an absolutely beautiful soft pink from the Macintosh apples I used today and the flavor is amazing.  I think I will make another batch tomorrow in pretty little gift jars for small Christmas gifts, but will increase the final boil to 2 minutes as the set is a little softer than I prefer.
Fall harvest opportunities have a way of creating unplanned interuptions......back to your regularly scheduled tatting and other crafting soon I think, I have just two more buckets of apples to go! 


  1. I love apple pie, and also make jams, but never apple jelly.

    Apple pie w/ my morning coffee sounds like a great idea, do you have a piece you can share?

  2. Phew, that's a lot of apples! Good job.


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