Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Now What???

Suggestions anyone?  I was just finishing up the Maria bookmark from Lene Bjorn's Bookmarks - Cross-Shaped...had cut the threads and was sewing the second end in when this happened...

That short thread is the core thread in those 155 half stitches of course...and, yeah, I did use some "vintage" clarks size 30 thread that is "aged" looking...but I really liked the "antique" look it gave...it matches the book I want to use it in very nicely.  So...How would you go about fixing it? 
  1. I could pull a bunch of the half stitches off to get a longer thread, maybe all the way down to the join, tie a new thread on and re-tat those 155 half stitches. 
  2. I could pull out down to the join and sew in there just leaving a single tail.
  3. I could try to tie on where it is and make a new ring, hiding the short end as I tat the first few stitches of the ring.  I think it would be a touch shorter than the other tail though.
  4. Other ideas I haven't thought of...
What would you do?  Definitely a "now what?" moment...and I am curious as to what other tatter's solutions might be...



  1. well, that would depend on how I intended to use it.
    If I didn't really need the 2 tails~the cross would be inside between the pages and the tail would show me where~ I would not worry about it and take it out back to the single tail.

    If I intended to use the cross in a prayer book or bible and wanted to mark multiple pages I would want the 2nd tail, and maybe 3 or 4 and longer so the cross would be outside the book or just inside the cover and the tails would mark the pages and hang out the bottom.

  2. I vote for one tail. Simple, elegant and not so much work.

  3. Add a charm that works with the theme of the cross.

  4. Such a shame! The tails are not essential to the design are they? Undo them? Or your option 3.

  5. I feel your pain here. I would probably do #1 or #3. But really it's beautiful so however you end it is going to be perfect.

  6. Thank you all for your comments...I truely appreciate them and they did help me to decide what to do with that tail! Thank You!!!


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