Sunday, May 5, 2013

Busy Day...

One of those busy days today,
Just now picking this back up...

Rosie Posie was not feeling well last night, her tummy hurt.  This morning, the housework could wait no longer...bletch...a good part of the day spent on laundry, tidying, vacuuming, etc.

Then, helped daughter make these, lovely cherry cupcakes with lemon zest frosting...she is very clever at this, I mostly act as cleanup crew.

Then, at Husband's request, these... favorite flavor though, Strawberry-Rhubarb.  I made vanilla ice cream to go with as well, YUM!

All in all, a good day...the house is clean, ready for a new week, and I am ready to settle into my favorite chair with my stitching and maybe some tatting after a bit if I can finish that dishtowel up quickly enough.


  1. Love your embroidery and the pies are yummy!!

    1. Thank you! I often admire your work on your crazy quilts as well, so a nice compliment to receive :-)

  2. yummy Your daughter looks like a good cook. And Rhubarb pie is always good.

    1. She is getting to be...the 4-H projects really challenge her to learn to bake, and I know we enjoy her efforts :-) Rhubarb is definitely a favorite in this house!

  3. Never tried rhubarb and your pies look so delicious.

    1. The pies were wonderful, rhubarb is definitely something to be tried if the opportunity presents itself!


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