Wednesday, July 11, 2012

4-H Fashion Review and Fair Results...

The results are in...

From Fasion Review...

Creative Sewing Unit 5 - Costume Design
Blue Ribbon

Decorate Your Duds
Blue Ribbon

...And the County Fair Judging...

Creative Sewing Unit 5 - Costume Design
Blue Ribbon, Champion, Reserve Grand Champion, and State Fair Qualifier

Decorate Your Duds
Blue Ribbon, Champion, Grand Champion, and State Fair Qualifier

My beautiful daughter did very well...3 of her other projects also are going on to state fair.  Very exciting for her!!!

I have 5 entries in the open class that I took in this morning.  Only one class that tatting qualified for.  It's a very limited open class at this fair.  My entries are all things you have seen before as I simply never had time to make somthing new just for fair, though I wished to.  I will know the results on those tomorrow! 

Until then,



  1. Awesome! I knew that 'Decorate your Duds' was a blue ribbon winner - and Grand Champion too! Congrats to your daughter and best wishes for good results tomorrow :)

  2. Congratulations to your daughter and good luck to you!

  3. congratulations to your daughter, she did very well on her projects. State Fair qualifier, very good indead.

    best of luck with your projects, your "normal" work is very good, so you should be a shoe in.

    1. Thank you! I appreciate the vote of confidence very much!!! :-)


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