Thursday, July 12, 2012

County Fair Open Class Results...

This has been a most interesting experience. I was very nervous about doing this for some reason, and somewhat unwilling to let my creations out of my personal care. The later maybe somewhat warranted. In fact, as I was walking over to see what my results were...a little boy ducked under the rope and sat on my crocheted basket! I truely would still enter again though...

I haven't entered anything in a fair since I was 18 years old, a good while ago as I am 37 now. I think it is a good thing to do, I just haven't done it in a very long time. It is good to get some outside input as to the quality of one's work, and to share with others what one has created. 

Here are the results for my five open class entries.  I have listed the title of the class and then the ribbon awarded...

Any Garment - Knit or Crochet

(This is the rose colored shrug I made for my older daughter)

Any Item - apparel or household - reconstructed or made from recycled materials

(I am most curious to see the judging sheet on this one as I am quite partial to this little pillow and wonder what they didn't care for there, but must wait until Sunday to get to peruse that yellow page you can see behind the ribbon)

Any Accessory - apparel or household - knit or crochet

(I was naughty and reached over the rope and "fixed" my basket a bit after it was sat upon, it is still a touch squished on the front side though)

Any afghan - size 45"x60" or larger - knit or crochet
Blue and Reserve Champion

Any other needlework technique not listed above (tatting, bobbin lace, latch hook, etc.)

(fuzzy photo ~ very hard to get a decent picture from as far back as one is behind their ropes)

Our particular county fair is at the point where I have been told that they may lose the open class division entirely if they don't start getting more participation.  Hence, I suppose, the very very limited classes.  I do hope they will be able to promote the availability of this more in future years and don't just decide to eliminate it...that would be very sad.  County Fair is a tradition that should not be lost.

Overall, I am pleased with my results.  They use the Danish system of judging.  I actually prefer the method of a single blue, red, white, etc. being awarded in each class.  I like the competitive aspect of that.  The only thing that really does that here is the reserve and champion ribbons, if warranted, within a class and then within the division a reserve and grand champion ribbon (big pretty rosettes like my daughter was awarded along with some gift certificates and other prizes).

My tatted piece was the only one of it's kind.  I would love to see more, of everything to be honest...I love looking at everyone's work, comparing, contrasting, admiring...planning for next year.  I will say that I plan to do my best to increase participation next year...more of my own work, and encouraging others to enter as well.

Thank you all for your encouragement...



  1. Congratulations Julie, you did very well.

  2. Congratulations, Julie! I have never entered a county fair, but my friend Denise and I are thinking of doing so next year. I'm encouraged by all the beautiful pieces my tatting buddies have entered, and I think I want to be part of the fun!

    1. Thank you!!! It really is great fun, I highly recommend entering! It's another way to bring tatting out into the light and let it shine...I am definitely going to enter again next year, hopefully with something more elaborate than my entry this year that will really wow the audience and maybe even get some of the kids interested in it as a heritage arts project for 4-H :-)

  3. Your beautiful work has been rewarded - congrats! I've only entered our county fair a couple of times - in hopes of not losing the tatting category forever.

    It will be fun for you to see the comments - I was disappointed that our county fair doesn't leave comments on the ribbons at all.

    1. Thank you!!! Keep entering, I think it's important not to lose the categories as it's a great way to publicize the art :-) I am looking forward to seeing the judging sheets...they should prove interesting, that would be disappointing not to receive the feedback...

  4. Well done, and congratulations!

  5. Congratulations! Yes, these things do need support, or they will disappear.

    1. Thank you!!! I really value the fair, the existence of the single category that tatting fit into, and the overall experience of entering. I hope I can help to build support of it all...

  6. CONGRATULATIONS on your entries and wins! It's a lot of work but fun to do.

    We lost the Allegheny County Fair (Pittsburgh PA) entirely after 1973, as the county was deemed to be no longer an agricultural center. The fairgrounds are still there (mostly) and used for various events. Ironically, it was the first fair I entered (age 29) - in the knitting section - and I was pleased to win a blue ribbon for an Aran pullover. There was no shortage of needlework exhibitors, and competiton was high. They had a huge attendance, helped by the fact that it was free! No doubt insurance issues entered the picture, and it was too expensive to run.

    I entered various other small fairs with knitting - and in 1990, tatting. Canfield Fair in Ohio is still a huge fair, and it was always fun - and competitive - to enter things there. I did notice the amount of needlework was dropping, though, in recent years.

    1. Thank you! It is interesting, how different fairs are doing these days...I was back home in Montana last summer for the Lake County fair there, and it was much more vibrant than the one here (though still much smaller than it was 20 years ago). This is a much more populated county, I would have thought the reverse...and in the 3 years I have attended this one (Pueblo County, Colorado) the open class entries continue to decline. I suspect it to be a well kept secret that needs more publicizing...


Thank you for your comments...they are read and treasured!