Saturday, July 7, 2012

Pretty Peasant Top...

This little top for my Rosie Posie is created using this tutorial from Indietutes.  It came out pretty cute, though there are a few things I would change if I make another one.  The fun thing is that when you draft your own pattern, you feel like you can tweek it the next time.  I love that...and this little top...

She tried it on when I was needing to fit the elastic, but wasn't interested in modeling it for me when it was finished.  She did say it was pretty though!  She is very 3...does what she wants when she wants pretty much unless I deem it important and worth the "no".  I try to limit the "no"s to what matters.  I think this will be very cute with a little pair of jeans or shorts.  I would make it longer if I make another one, and change the top of the collar slightly to make it easier to sew.  I used the size 4 measurements listed in the tutorial.

For my beautiful big girl...well, we used the same proportions to work out the math for fitting her top.  A little bit of math over the summer doesn't hurt...and it worked.  Again, I would personally lengthen it if it was my choice, it is just barely long enough to tuck in.  I think she likes it tough, and will likely wear it with other things not tucked.

She chose to do more of a flutter sleeve.  That ended up being quite hard for her to finish nicely on the inside of the sleeve as it was difficult to turn nicely.  She got it done though...and well.  She used french seams this year, and the inside of her sewing is just as nice as the outside.  I think it came out beautifully, and she is pleased with it.  That is more important.  She says this outfit is her favorite bit of sewing yet.  That makes it all worth it, no matter how she scores at fashion review and fair this next week.

The next thing we worked on was finishing her outfit for a project called Decorate Your Duds.  I helped her learn to do a shell crochet edging and she finished her jacket, top, and skirt with that after having embellished the jacket with needle felting and kanzashi butterflies...I'll share that with you all next. 

I am proud of her, and hope you all enjoy seeing what she creates.  I have nothing more of my own to share right now, as my creating time is taken up at present by sitting next to her and teaching...but it is a pleasure to watch her learn and I don't mind in the least.

Until later then,


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