Friday, July 6, 2012

A Sweet Wrapped Skirt...

Perhaps you all will enjoy seeing what we have been working on for my older daughter's 4-H sewing....

I find it difficult to teach her how to sew without touching her project, so the method I have devised is to sew something for little Rosie Posie or myself based on the same design.  That way, I have something to "show" how to do the next step on.  Her work needs to be her work, not mine.

One of the projects we've done this past week is a wrapped reversible skirt using this tutorial from Sew Mama Sew.  This tutorial takes you step by step through how to draft your own pattern based on your measurements.  It worked beautifully and produces a gorgeous skirt.  I really want to draft a pattern for myself and make up a few of these beautiful skirts for my own wardrobe!

This time though, I started with one for little Rosie Posie, a version for her wastes a lot less fabric if it doesn't turn out quite right...and I really wanted to test this out before committing.  As you will see, it creates a beautifully wearable skirt....and so, here is my version for Rosie Posie:


You can see that she likes it, and it is very wearable.  It came out beautifully, I think we'll be making a few more of these for her...and more than likely, I'll be drafting a pattern in my size as well!

Here is a photo that shows the reverse, a pretty pink gingham.  I think it provides a pretty contrast.  I love this little skirt!!!

...and here is the version that my beautiful older daughter created...


She chose a khaki and a black lightly patterned cotton fabric, with the hope that this will be something she can also wear to school in the fall that will fit uniform requirements.  It is beautiful on her and she did a lovely job with the sewing.  We'll see how it does at the fashion review and the county fair next week...

...The shirt she is wearing is the next thing we sewed.  I'll share that with you later...Rosie Posie's version is equally sweet.

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