Saturday, March 2, 2013

Frilly Shamrock...

Just one shamrock to share today, this is Frilly Shamrock by Susan Taliaferro.  (19/25 motif challenge) I like it a lot, worth tatting for sure!  I have started another pattern as well, but tatting time is a bit limited this weekend with the girls both home and husband off today.  We went fishing this morning, caught our limits, came home and had a lovely trout dinner for lunch...and now I need to leave for the 4-H carnival shortly!
In continuation of the "theme" this month...
May the blessing of the rain be on you—
the soft sweet rain.
May it fall upon your spirit
so that all the little flowers may spring up,
and shed their sweetness on the air.
May the blessing of the great rains be on you,
may they beat upon your spirit
and wash it fair and clean,
and leave there many a shining pool
where the blue of heaven shines,
and sometimes a star.
Until we meet again...may your shuttles be blessed!


Thank you for your comments...they are read and treasured!