Monday, March 4, 2013

Shamrock by Jon...

Finished another couple of shamrocks tonight, terrible indoor with flash photos this evening...but I wanted to share photo opportunities during the day today and probably not tomorrow either, we are getting a snow storm at present!
This is Shamrock by Jon and the pattern can be found here.  (20/25 motif challenge) It looks much better in person, the harsh light of the flash makes the roughness of that thread really stand out!  I also did another of the Lucky Seven Shamrock's by Gina Brummett...and sewed the ends in this time.  Really did not like how it looked without doing so.  That's okay though, I will use the other on a card or some such.
Here is the majority of my tatting time over the weekend.  I needed small and portable.  I wound the shuttle on the way out to our fishing location on Saturday. The tatting itself constitutes 2 hours of "chaparone" type time at the 4-H dance on Saturday night, 1.5 hours at Church Sunday (I focus better if my hands are busy and no one seems to mind), and another .5 hour while waiting to pick up daughter from youth group Sunday evening.  Do take a look at that thread though...I just had grabbed a ball from the stash I was given from my Grandmother based on color, but this is delicious thread.  I really need to see if there is more of this DMC Dentilles thread in her stash and hoard use it carefully.  I don't believe I have ever tatted with a nicer stitches look perfect, just a gorgeous color too! 
In other news...I acquired a new toy...
I saw one of these fascinating little yardage counter's on Frivole's blog a few weeks ago...saw one at Wal*Mart recently, and it just sort of hopped into the basket and came home with me...don't know how that happened...
I did check the price against amazon and it seemed reasonable when one considers shipping and having to wait to play with the new toy...
It was over by their very limited selection of embroidery/crochet/knitting supplies.  I often find it necessary to take a "short cut" through that aisle...
Here it is out of the package...
Nifty little suction cup feet on the back as well.  I have yet to try this little tool, but thought you all might be interested in it as well.  I have the hardest time determining yardage, I always under or over estimate what I am putting on the bobbin...I think this will be very useful.
...and finally, since I really enjoy the lovely old Irish blessings this time of year, here is one for today (modified just a smidge)...
May there always be work tatting for your hands to do.
May your purse always hold a coin or two.
May the sun always shine on your windowpane.
May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain.
May the hand of a friend always be near you.
May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.


  1. I have yet to tat a shamrock. Maybe today will be the day. I've never tried that thread, but I'm always on the lookout for something new. I plan on getting one of those tools for measuring thread. One of my blog followers kindly sent me the information on where to purchase them, but I don't get out for shopping very often... it's 40 minutes away, and I make sure I have lots to shop for when I go!

    1. I could not resist when I spotted that little thread measuring devise. It would be far better for me if I lived 40 minutes out...but we are right in town I'm afraid! I still try not to go often.

  2. More really nice shamrocks!! :)
    Love that cross!!! The color is so beautiful!!! :)

    1. Thank you, the shamrocks are just plain fun and the cross...well, I think I pretty much always have one of those in progress. I, too, love that thread...gorgeous gorgeous color!


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