Friday, July 13, 2012

Pretty Seaside Poppy Tins...

Last night, my girl scout troop met.  We meet once a month, as they are busy with many other activites as well.  As they get older (12 and 13 now), it has been more of a challenge to find crafts that are fun and something that will be deemed "cool" enough by the girls...this one seems to have been a hit though.  Last night, we created...

Pretty Seaside Poppy Tins
(Decorated Cans...a Recycling Craft)
Here are the supplies we used:  well washed cans in various sizes, sisal twine, small sea shells, and some silk poppies, plus a pair of scissors and a glue gun...

These are not difficult to make, but they really do turn out quite prettily.  One simply hot glues the first round of sisal twine to the can, then wraps the twine round and round the can pushing it down periodically so it is nice and tight.  When you get to the top, you hot glue the last row.  Then you decorate it as you like or leave it plain.  I expected that this would be a quick craft, 10 minutes and done...but the girls loved it and spent the entire hour on their creations.

A dozen less cans in the landfill as well...always a good thing.  We used three different sizes, I believe a well washed vegetable, a tuna/chicken, and a tomato paste can where what we used.  It makes a cute set...

These are my daughter's...

...and two more sets by two of the other girls...

These are mine...I had to get in on the fun too...

...and here they are on my desk this morning (ignore the surrounding clutter please)...

I think they look really nice there, will keep some of the clutter prettily contained...and I certainly enjoyed making them with the girls.   Another, plain wrapped can holds the remainder of the shells we used.  I think I may make a few more...there are other items that could use a pretty holder to contain them around the house as well...

For right now though, I want to go and tat Frivole's beautiful new Minuet pattern...she asked for naming suggestions, and subsequently chose the name I suggested for her lovely motif.  I am absolutely thrilled...her work is so exquisite, I admire it greatly.  Being able to contribute in a small way was a pleasure...and she very graciously gave me a copy of her pattern.  I am most anxious to try it...

Until later,


Thursday, July 12, 2012

County Fair Open Class Results...

This has been a most interesting experience. I was very nervous about doing this for some reason, and somewhat unwilling to let my creations out of my personal care. The later maybe somewhat warranted. In fact, as I was walking over to see what my results were...a little boy ducked under the rope and sat on my crocheted basket! I truely would still enter again though...

I haven't entered anything in a fair since I was 18 years old, a good while ago as I am 37 now. I think it is a good thing to do, I just haven't done it in a very long time. It is good to get some outside input as to the quality of one's work, and to share with others what one has created. 

Here are the results for my five open class entries.  I have listed the title of the class and then the ribbon awarded...

Any Garment - Knit or Crochet

(This is the rose colored shrug I made for my older daughter)

Any Item - apparel or household - reconstructed or made from recycled materials

(I am most curious to see the judging sheet on this one as I am quite partial to this little pillow and wonder what they didn't care for there, but must wait until Sunday to get to peruse that yellow page you can see behind the ribbon)

Any Accessory - apparel or household - knit or crochet

(I was naughty and reached over the rope and "fixed" my basket a bit after it was sat upon, it is still a touch squished on the front side though)

Any afghan - size 45"x60" or larger - knit or crochet
Blue and Reserve Champion

Any other needlework technique not listed above (tatting, bobbin lace, latch hook, etc.)

(fuzzy photo ~ very hard to get a decent picture from as far back as one is behind their ropes)

Our particular county fair is at the point where I have been told that they may lose the open class division entirely if they don't start getting more participation.  Hence, I suppose, the very very limited classes.  I do hope they will be able to promote the availability of this more in future years and don't just decide to eliminate it...that would be very sad.  County Fair is a tradition that should not be lost.

Overall, I am pleased with my results.  They use the Danish system of judging.  I actually prefer the method of a single blue, red, white, etc. being awarded in each class.  I like the competitive aspect of that.  The only thing that really does that here is the reserve and champion ribbons, if warranted, within a class and then within the division a reserve and grand champion ribbon (big pretty rosettes like my daughter was awarded along with some gift certificates and other prizes).

My tatted piece was the only one of it's kind.  I would love to see more, of everything to be honest...I love looking at everyone's work, comparing, contrasting, admiring...planning for next year.  I will say that I plan to do my best to increase participation next year...more of my own work, and encouraging others to enter as well.

Thank you all for your encouragement...


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

4-H Fashion Review and Fair Results...

The results are in...

From Fasion Review...

Creative Sewing Unit 5 - Costume Design
Blue Ribbon

Decorate Your Duds
Blue Ribbon

...And the County Fair Judging...

Creative Sewing Unit 5 - Costume Design
Blue Ribbon, Champion, Reserve Grand Champion, and State Fair Qualifier

Decorate Your Duds
Blue Ribbon, Champion, Grand Champion, and State Fair Qualifier

My beautiful daughter did very well...3 of her other projects also are going on to state fair.  Very exciting for her!!!

I have 5 entries in the open class that I took in this morning.  Only one class that tatting qualified for.  It's a very limited open class at this fair.  My entries are all things you have seen before as I simply never had time to make somthing new just for fair, though I wished to.  I will know the results on those tomorrow! 

Until then,


Sunday, July 8, 2012

Decorate Your Duds...

Here is my older daughter's outfit that she decorated for the "Decorate Your Dud's" 4-H project...needle felted flowers, Japanese kanzashi style folded fabric flower butterflies, and a crochet shell edging. 

She learned a lot, had a lot of fun...and I enjoyed helping her to learn all of these new skills.  It is very rewarding to teach my child the same kind of skills that were passed down to me by my Grandmother and Mother...



She has 6 projects this year, these two I have shown here as well as cake decorating, yeast batter breads, foods and nutrition unit 2 (muffins), and a GIS (Geospacial Information Systems) project. The morning will be filled with baking and cake decorating, everything else is done...

Today, we had Fashion Review practice, tomorrow at 4pm is the Fashion Review judging and the public showing at 7pm and then Tuesday is Interview Judging starting at 8:30am and by mid afternoon that day all of her projects will be complete for the year...unless they go on to the Colorado State Fair in August. 

Wish her luck...

Until the Fashion Review results are in,


Saturday, July 7, 2012

Pretty Peasant Top...

This little top for my Rosie Posie is created using this tutorial from Indietutes.  It came out pretty cute, though there are a few things I would change if I make another one.  The fun thing is that when you draft your own pattern, you feel like you can tweek it the next time.  I love that...and this little top...

She tried it on when I was needing to fit the elastic, but wasn't interested in modeling it for me when it was finished.  She did say it was pretty though!  She is very 3...does what she wants when she wants pretty much unless I deem it important and worth the "no".  I try to limit the "no"s to what matters.  I think this will be very cute with a little pair of jeans or shorts.  I would make it longer if I make another one, and change the top of the collar slightly to make it easier to sew.  I used the size 4 measurements listed in the tutorial.

For my beautiful big girl...well, we used the same proportions to work out the math for fitting her top.  A little bit of math over the summer doesn't hurt...and it worked.  Again, I would personally lengthen it if it was my choice, it is just barely long enough to tuck in.  I think she likes it tough, and will likely wear it with other things not tucked.

She chose to do more of a flutter sleeve.  That ended up being quite hard for her to finish nicely on the inside of the sleeve as it was difficult to turn nicely.  She got it done though...and well.  She used french seams this year, and the inside of her sewing is just as nice as the outside.  I think it came out beautifully, and she is pleased with it.  That is more important.  She says this outfit is her favorite bit of sewing yet.  That makes it all worth it, no matter how she scores at fashion review and fair this next week.

The next thing we worked on was finishing her outfit for a project called Decorate Your Duds.  I helped her learn to do a shell crochet edging and she finished her jacket, top, and skirt with that after having embellished the jacket with needle felting and kanzashi butterflies...I'll share that with you all next. 

I am proud of her, and hope you all enjoy seeing what she creates.  I have nothing more of my own to share right now, as my creating time is taken up at present by sitting next to her and teaching...but it is a pleasure to watch her learn and I don't mind in the least.

Until later then,


Friday, July 6, 2012

A Sweet Wrapped Skirt...

Perhaps you all will enjoy seeing what we have been working on for my older daughter's 4-H sewing....

I find it difficult to teach her how to sew without touching her project, so the method I have devised is to sew something for little Rosie Posie or myself based on the same design.  That way, I have something to "show" how to do the next step on.  Her work needs to be her work, not mine.

One of the projects we've done this past week is a wrapped reversible skirt using this tutorial from Sew Mama Sew.  This tutorial takes you step by step through how to draft your own pattern based on your measurements.  It worked beautifully and produces a gorgeous skirt.  I really want to draft a pattern for myself and make up a few of these beautiful skirts for my own wardrobe!

This time though, I started with one for little Rosie Posie, a version for her wastes a lot less fabric if it doesn't turn out quite right...and I really wanted to test this out before committing.  As you will see, it creates a beautifully wearable skirt....and so, here is my version for Rosie Posie:


You can see that she likes it, and it is very wearable.  It came out beautifully, I think we'll be making a few more of these for her...and more than likely, I'll be drafting a pattern in my size as well!

Here is a photo that shows the reverse, a pretty pink gingham.  I think it provides a pretty contrast.  I love this little skirt!!!

...and here is the version that my beautiful older daughter created...


She chose a khaki and a black lightly patterned cotton fabric, with the hope that this will be something she can also wear to school in the fall that will fit uniform requirements.  It is beautiful on her and she did a lovely job with the sewing.  We'll see how it does at the fashion review and the county fair next week...

...The shirt she is wearing is the next thing we sewed.  I'll share that with you later...Rosie Posie's version is equally sweet.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July...

Happy 4th of July to each of you, I hope your day is wonderful wether or not you celebrate our Independence day!  I thought you might enjoy seeing some photos of girls and I in our 4th of July finery...

 The skirts we made last year, I made little Rosie Posie's and mine, but my older daughter made her own and her top as her practice skirt and top for her 4-H Fair sewing exhibit.  They are fairly simple gathered tier skirts.  I've made them in a variety of widths and number of tiers, always fun to play with.

This year, we only made some quick flowers for our hair as we are in the midst of sewing for fair again...the clips are done in a similar fashion to the ones I blogged about here.


I hope your holiday is wonderful and blessed...

Happy 4th of July!!!
