Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Green and Gold Cross by Grandma...

Meant to post this earlier today...this is another cross Grandma Stella tatted.  The thread is likely size 30, in a pretty mint green and gold.  This is one that was given to my husband some time ago...and I spied it in his Bible today and thought to share it with all of you...

She did many many variations on this cross, slightly different centers, stitch counts, etc.  Like the one here that I posted about previously.  It was definitely something she tatted over and over again...and her tatted crosses are the thing I value most and the reason I stepped back into the "ring" and finally really learned to tat nearly 3 years ago.

Snow is still falling...

This is also by Sharon Briggs...her 2009 Merry Christmas Snowflake.  I had started this one last year...and it was tucked in the clear cover I keep over the pattern, shuttles and all.  Had to finish this pretty thing...

A very pretty little tat, I enjoyed this design.  This was finished on the 3rd of December.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Grandma's simple bookmark...

I knew I had this tucked away somewhere...

Sometime back, after Grandma passed away in 2000, I was given this by my sister with the thought that this was simple enough that I might be able to tat it...

But, I had a small baby and little time and my single shuttle lay idle for the most part...for a good 10 more years.  It is pretty to see...and examine.  You can see that Grandma did simply cut and tie.  I am still not convinced that this is not quite an adequate way of going about things.  I frequently feel that if it was good enough for Grandma...well...

At any rate, this is not a difficult little bookmark to replicate...though I do like this one of her's that I copied and attempted writing out a pattern for (way back in my second month of really tatting) a bit better.

I am afraid that I have been tempted away from the snowflakes for an evening to play with this little pattern...

More snow...

This one was next to fall, on the 2nd of December...

Just because it looked a delight when I picked up the pattern from the stack and I went no further.

This is Nancy Tracy's Layered Tatted Snowflake...

Isn't it a pretty thing.  I had fun tatting this little beauty.

Monday, December 9, 2013

It's been snowing...

It started snowing on the 1st day of December with this flake...but I haven't had a chance to photograph any of the flakes that have fallen from my shuttles until this afternoon.

This is Sharon's simple flake from her Snowflakes-For-Christmas post, it just seemed a nice little bit to play with to get the storm going...

I have a couple more flakes photographed and loaded to blogger, but I think they will wait until tomorrow...if I spread them out a bit, perhaps I will gain a chance to photograph a few more.  For now, it is late, and my shuttles are calling to me...though my pillow is sure to begin it's serenade soon as well.
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